Next Meeting dates

Here are the some dates for 2020 so you can all organise your diaries.

Aylsham -Saturdays 2pm -5pm (please ask for address)

8th February
7th March
11th April

Hethersett Village Hall - Sundays 09.30 - 12.30 pm

9th February
8th March
12th April

Monday, 5 July 2010

July Cards - At Last!

Sorry for the delay in uploading these cards & getting the details out to you - my schedule has been a bit choker recently what with my new job, 2 fetes, school ice cream duties & my latest all day workshop but they are here now.

As promised we have gone all Christmassey this month. By the time we meet at the weekend it will only be 167/166 days respectively until the big day is upon us, so dust off those Christmas baubles & come & join us in the festive merriment.

Card 1

Card 2

Card 3

Card 4